Monday, July 13, 2020

The Prisoner • The Field Report in his Head

Who runs The Village?
Unknown. Superpower, East or West. Either MI-6, backed by American funds and technology. Or KG-B, backed by the other shop. 


Stated purpose
Information extraction and containment for espionage agents and those possessing covert information.

Real purpose

Mind control techniques. Brainwashing, old and new.

Covert techniques. In hospital or performed without consent.
Some methods derive from Red Block applications of Pavlov’s theories. Experimental methods, beyond documented psychiatric literature. New drugs, implanted dreams. Direct access to brain. Visual and auditory perception only, not thoughts. 

External techniques. Silly costumes, numbers not names, loss of identity. Crowd control based on infantalization. Learned helplessness. Herd mentality. Authoritarianism disguised as communitarianism.

Slogans and jargon. “Unmutual” means “individualistic,” Disharmonious means having a mind of your own. Posters and slogans encourage a herd mentality. "A Still tongue makes a happy life." 

Evidence of new stuff. Rover??? Possible application NAzi experiments. Cannot confirm.

Temperate or subtropical climate. Obvious explanation: An island in the Carbibean or south eases. But the Gulf Stream could account for it. For all he knows, this could be Wales. Precise latitude impossible to determine.

Village Population
No way of telling. Highest number seen = 271. The Village’s guardians have an underground system.

Ethnic makeup of inhabitants.
Predominantly UK. Based on memory and informal survey:

Internal Organization
Number 2 is visible authority figure. Middleman, dog on a short leash. High turnover, afraid of his masters. (Number 1, if he exists.) Under pressure. Clock is ticking. Pet project seems to be me. 

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