Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Prisoner • Endgame

Number 2 keeps his promise. The other pieces are all safely back on the chessboard. With one exception.

The Rook’s toy shop bears a sign: UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. As to the others ...

The Painter paints. Even more carefully.

The Queen avoids his eyes. Avoids everyone’s eyes. Dropped the helpless female character. But doesn’t seem to have any character.

The Shopkeeper’s back behind the counter. Doesn’t seem to be broken. But is that a lobotomy scar? 

The Grandmaster’s still in his chair shouting chess moves. Like nothing ever happened. And maybe nothing did. Probably one of Them. Set him up. Doesn’t seem to limp anymore. Or maybe he's imagining things.

The layers of deception are hard to tease apart.

Along with the impact of their latest gambit.

He'd expected the Villagers to turn on him. See him as a rat, a traitor, a fink, one of Them. He'd assumed that was the point of this wretched exercise. Instead, he has the horrible impression they think he’s some sort of savior. That's bad. One of them even suggested he run for office.

That’s even worse.

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